Psychological counseling

I sincerely recommend psychological counselling to those who want to achieve a deeper understanding of themselves or their relationships, higher self-esteem, self-actualization, and a higher level of mental health. It is also ideal for those who want to become more aware in certain areas such as child-rearing or healthy functioning in romantic relationships.

Psychological counselling can be a few sessions or a longer process depending on the issues at hand. During the counselling sessions, I provide a safe environment where you can freely express your feelings, thoughts, and problems. I accompany you on the path of self-discovery and personal development with a non-judgmental and empathetic approach, using various tools.

Psychological counselling includes psychoeducation. This can involve providing information about topics such as the development of a child or human psychological functioning. It can also cover healthy boundaries in a romantic relationship or family, what constitutes abusive behavior, and more.

During the counselling sessions, we work on the deeper layers of personality, the present, and the past. We explore emotions, modes of operation, beliefs, emotional and relational patterns, as well as personality and relationship dynamics. Processing and resolving the past is necessary to make the functioning of the present more satisfying, joyful, and happier.

Throughout the psychological counselling process, I support you in understanding and managing emotional, cognitive, and behavioral challenges in your life. Together, we work on developing and applying your own resources and skills to solve your problems. I use the Schema Therapy method during the counselling.

Schema Therapy is an evidence-based, integrative therapeutic method developed by Jeffrey E. Young and his colleagues. It integrates elements of cognitive behavioral therapy, attachment theory, psychoanalytic object relations theories, ego state theory, and Gestalt therapy theory. It encompasses behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, and experiential (imaginative, dramatic) techniques. It places great emphasis on the therapeutic relationship, as well as on increasing awareness and psychoeducation.

With this integrative therapeutic approach, I help you discover, become aware of, and change your negative thought and emotional patterns, as well as your limiting beliefs. We work towards developing more positive and healthier patterns of thinking and behavior.

As a result of the counselling process, you can achieve personal growth, deeper self-awareness, gain better insight into your relationships, improve your self-esteem, communication skills, stress management, problem-solving abilities, emotional regulation, and overall quality of life. It can also help you navigate changes and life difficulties more easily, strengthen your self confidence, and enhance your mental well-being.

If you would like to learn more about psychological consultation and how it can be of help to you, please feel free to contact me. I am happy to assist you in your personal development.

„It meant a lot to me to feel accepted and safe in Ági’s supportive environment. She helped me gain a different perspective on the circumstances I grew up in and on the present as well. Through her, I found words for certain phenomena, such as realizing that verbal abuse is also a form of abuse. I always felt her genuine intention to help. Our collaboration also aided me in finding my path towards further growth.”


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